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Temp Links

The Temporary Link Command feature allows server administrators to set up a command for users to invite their friends easily. The following instructions provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up the command.


The dashboard is where the configurations described here are managed.

  1. Go to the dashboard and log in.
  2. Select your server from the menu on the left.
  3. Choose the module and make sure that it is enabled.

This feature is only available to premium subscribers.

Command Name

The first step is to enter a command name that users can type in to receive a personalized link. This command can be any desired text, prefix, symbol, or character.


When a user types in the command, a message will appear as a reply, indicating that the link has been successfully sent to the user's DMs. The text of this message can be adjusted as desired.

If the bot cannot send the link, a separate message will be displayed as a reply, indicating that the bot could not send the link because the user's DMs are closed. The text of this message can also be adjusted as desired.


Disabled Roles

The administrator can prevent specific roles from being able to use the link command.

Enabled Roles

Users with the chosen roles will be able to use the link command.


Disabled Channels

The bot will not respond to the link command in the chosen channels.

Enabled Channels

The bot will respond to the link command in the chosen channels.

The text sent to a user's DMs when they use the command will include an invite link along with information on the link's uses and expiration time. The text of this message can be adjusted as desired.

The administrator can specify how many times the link can be used and limit the number of users who can join with that link. An adjustable scroll bar is provided to set the number of link uses.

Invitation Default Channel

The administrator can specify which channel the invite links will belong to. For example, if the administrator sets the track to Test users who use the link will be redirected to the Test channel upon joining.

The administrator can specify the age of the link in minutes. The link will expire unless it is used within this time. An adjustable scroll bar is provided to set the linkage.

Wait Time

Wait Time in Hours

The administrator can set a waiting time for users to request the link again.

The administrator can set the number of links that can be requested before the wait time is enforced.

Waiting Time Message

When a user attempts to request a new link before the wait time has ended, a message will appear as a reply indicating that they should wait the specified amount of time before requesting a new link. The text of this message can be adjusted as desired.

Disable Wait Time

The administrator can allow users with Invite Members permission to bypass the wait time and create links anytime.

Delete User Command Invocation and Bot's Reply

The administrator can choose to have the bot delete the user's command and the bot's reply after five seconds or keep it persistent. Enabling the option will delete the message, and disabling it will keep them.


These are the following limits for our temp link options;

  • Link age in minutes 1440
  • Wait time in hours 9999999999999
  • How many links can be requested before wait time 9999999999999